But do you know that it orignates from Japan? :O
What are fortune cookies ( for those that really doesnt know)
Fortune Cookies are cookies that contains a slip of paper that contains some advice. The paper is usually at the hollow part of the cookie so u break apart to see it.
I think it is always fun to open your fortune cookie and compare it with your friends.
I cant remember what mine said the previous time i had 1, but I think it was something to do with marriage.
But i feel that the fortune cookies nowadays have been
edited with like good quotes only ,
because the restaurants do not want to offend the customers.
Which to a certain extent makes the fortune cookie inaccurate,
because they will only talk about good stuffs.
Although fortune cookies originates from Japan, they are more popular in Chinese restaurants and normally consumed by the Americans.
Sort of an irony right? Haha.
Cute picture from 100thing1012.blogspot.com
Get your own fortune cookie now (: